Question for the order

Question for the order

Im watching steins gate and im on ep 20, after i finish the last 4 eps i have to see steins gate 0?im very confused because people say different things

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

Friends to play with on Xbox (Series S) or PS4

(M21) Looking for another human to play games with as when I'm not playing with my brothers I'm quite lonely. Have Xbox (Series S) and PS4, (upgrading to ps5 shortly) have many games but mainly looking for Halo (Or RDR2) friends at the minute if anyone is interested, just have a piss about really, on some occasions.

Third party keyboard not available in Search window since update

Is this a feature of the new OS or is something wrong? Since the update, in my search window there is only the standard apple keyboard, not my third party keyboard (swiftkey and Gboard). Appreciate any advice

I need some help here

So, I have a 2005 v6 mustang and while driving uphill I noticed that my car was heating up. I stopped and noticed that I had a coolant leak from the passenger side of the engine (as marked on the picture). Nothing major but it managed to lick dry the reservoir. I would really hate it if it turns out to be the water pump. Any clues? the picture is not mine

"> So, I have a 2005 v6 mustang and while driving uphill I noticed that my car was heating up. I stopped and noticed that I had a coolant leak from the passenger side of the engine (as marked on the picture). Nothing major but it managed to lick dry the reservoir. I would really hate it if it turns out to be the water pump. Any clues? *the picture is not mine*

Rico nacho cups

not remotely healthy but a fun go to way to make veggies as a no think meal. one 99 gram cup 110 calories

Compatibility between two mods for crafting

Hey all! I have a bunch of the Farmer's Delight mods, and a few of the Pam's Harvestcraft mods installed into a pack via curseforge. A LOT of the recipes for the foods that I can grow are only compatible with foods from their own modpacks (which makes sense,) and I'd like to edit them to be interchangeable--like corn from Farmer's Delight can take the place of corn in Pam's and vice versa. I've never made a mod before, but regardless of how difficult it is, I'd like to give it a try! My first thought brings me to mods that allow for cross compat with things like wood from biome mods working with base game recipes that require wood. I hope that makes sense and provides a decent example of what I'd like to do! Thanks in advance for any insight :)

did they ban this from arena or something

I remember it being an insta-win card, but I just had a 12-1 run with a disgusting archon rogue deck and haven't seen this once

"> I remember it being an insta-win card, but I just had a 12-1 run with a disgusting archon rogue deck and haven't seen this once

Alte harte Narbe

Die Narbe oberhalb der Stirn rechts, welches zwischen den Haaren ist ist inzwischen 7 Jahre alt, jedoch schmerzt sie öfters. Die Struktur ist der Narbe ist auch sehr hart und unelastisch. Könnte man, die Narbe neu vernähen, sodass sie wenigstens von der Elastizität einer normalen Haut ähnelt, oder gibt es auch andere Möglichkeiten um die Narbe dünner zu gestalten?

Updated summary of US House legislation concerning Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, and NATO, with a table of all (co)sponsors.

Should I deal 1.1?

I have 1.1 and my teams pretty beat down besides QB and TE. This guy is offering 1.10 Pickens, Montgomery and then a pick swap in 2026. Need some advice on this one.

"> I have 1.1 and my teams pretty beat down besides QB and TE. This guy is offering 1.10 Pickens, Montgomery and then a pick swap in 2026. Need some advice on this one.

"Episode 7: Records of the Past" is now out!

A Greek mythology inspired comic about what if Atlantis survived sinking into the ocean? Where we take a breather into a more comedic episode and get a lead on the meaning of the Prophecy.

Forgotten Gialli Rec?

Finally picked up the Volume 1 edition of Forgotten Gialli. Which one is everyone’s fave that I should start with?

"> Finally picked up the Volume 1 edition of Forgotten Gialli. Which one is everyone’s fave that I should start with?

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

I'm meeting with my city council member this coming Friday to discuss starter homes. What are some points to hit when trying to get our city "housing ready" and increase housing affordability?

For context, I'm trying to buy my first home. Those that are closest to my budget are older and smaller, but they are still often out of my price range. In fact, I was a day late in putting an offer for one. I can't buy an empty lot and build a "starter home" due to zoning restrictions.

Dock Diving- Sony Alpha A7RIII- Sony 200-600 G OSS

Has Osgoode sent most As out already?

I'm hearing that majority of offers have already went out, but I'm wondering if Oz will have a bigger round soon? I think I'm cooked (3.72, 160)

Best way to pose clothing?

This is only my 2nd time using depop, and I really can’t get good pictures of the clothes. My phones camera is okay but the lighting in my house is awful, and I only have a white sheet to use as a background. I was going to remove the actual background in Canva and put a cute background underneath the photo. Would this make the post too busy? Should I just try to set up some better lighting? Thanks everyone!

H: max caps W: fasnacht masks

"Unauthorized Payment" WTF

Tried 2 different cards and 2 different browsers!? Skipped free trial just in case that was the issue and still happened???

Thoughts on smelly bags

I don’t know if this is allowed please remove if not! I just wanted to get people’s thoughts on rehoming smelly bags. I got some bags from a rehome and they smell of smoke. I was not told this before buying them and I am very sensitive to smoke smells and cannot keep them. My dilemma comes with what to do with them now. I don’t really want to lose out on the money, but I feel not great about selling smelly bags. Thoughts? Would you buy a bag if you knew it was stinky or should I cut my losses and send them to the donation pile?

Mega Ttar 5725 0759 9848

Talk to me about ice dams...

Welcome to our 1924 home! We've got some not-so-lovely icicles forming above a dormer in our upper bedroom. Much of that space was previously an attic and remodeled by a previous owner, so the dormer's ceiling is finished with drywall. There are only a few small and random icicles elsewhere on the house, probably because last year we extensively insulated all the areas we could get to. However, we did not open any ceilings. How worried -- or not worried -- should we be? ![img](mysimp2rwdje1) ![img](xiic5p2rwdje1)

Anyone else's journal looking like this lol?

This is my everyday journal I carry with me everywhere and I never fill it beyond page 15 or so because I erase stuff that isn't relevant anymore. Which tends to be pretty much everything, sooner or later. The corners get bent a lot from erasing over and over. Anyone else do this?

Why is the remote/user interface so irritating across platforms/tvs

Why is the remote/user interface so irritating across platforms/tvs. On some you hit left to go back, others you have to hit right, enter left , up , down, wtf to just get back one step to the channel guide. Also for show specific 'info': right up up enter wtf . Coded by idiots?

Discordant Ukraine statements from Trump team leave allies anxious

Dream experiences

Does anyone have encounters in their dreams? I don't have any of my chakras unlocked so I am not spiritually sensitive or born with any spiritual gifts, my 6th sense just kicks into over drive. Anyways, I had 3 dreams back to back in the same night, one after the other, each time I woke up petrified, I would just fall back asleep into the same nightmare and it's this lady, screaming her brains out in my face, sitting on top of me (I'm on my back in the dream) and her hands are wrapped around my neck, and she's freakin strangling me. She's got a long white night gown on, sleeves stop at her elbows, curly black hair and her face looked scary af as she just screamed in my face. Finally I stopped dreaming and slept the rest of the night but me not thinking anything paranormal about it, I do my best to interpret my dream on Google and just brushed it off and assumed I had a nightmare. Fast-forward a year and a half later and I'm with my forever partner, who is extremely spiritually sensitive and has also been involved in some pretty dark stuff in the past involving the demonic, no correlation, except for the fact that she can see shadow people and full on apperitions. So anyways , I remember bringing the dream up because we were laying in bed one night talking about experiences and she stops me, looks me dead in my face, and tells me to stop talking about it. That she saw the same freaking lady I was describing in my "nightmare" , walking around my parents house and standing in dark corners all around my house and that immediately debunked the fact that it was just a nightmare for me and I remember when I was still finishing up telling her my dream that a deep fear was washing over me and I felt tears brim to my eyes and then anxiety come up, and I just remember being so scared after telling her and we just had to stop and start praying and it went away. Even typing this up brings that fear back and every time I tell people my story I feel that same feeling I felt in my dream arise. what is everyone else's experience with dreams and the paranormal? Basically what I feel is that they can can't reach me in the real world so they try to get me through or talk to me through my dreams. let me know what you think guys.

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